Reminder: Red Ribbon Week starts tomorrow, Monday Oct. 24th! See below for the details of each day!

Martinsville Agriculture students attended the Think BIG Program presented by Sarah Bell with Mustang CAT. This program informs students that Mustang CAT offers internships, training, and job opportunities for students interested in the Diesel Engine Technician and Equipment Field. Thank you to Mr. Byrd, Mr. Davis, and Mrs. Holmes for organizing this opportunity for our students.

Attention Pirate Nation:
We will be celebrating Unity Day on November 4th, 2022! Below is the link to order a shirt to join in on the Unity Day Celebration. Orders will start today, online only, and end October 27th. All orders will be delivered to the school for pick up.

Attention Pirate Nation:
Information for Red Ribbon Week!

Attention Pirate Nation:
The baking contest at the Piney Woods Fair took place on Tues. Oct. 11th.
We had 8 entries in the 100 plus entries.
Awards were given to the 1st - 3rd place only.
Results are:
Senior Division
Ashton Watts - 1st place in Quick Breads
Emma Wilburn - 2nd place in Quick Breads
Rebecca Adams - 2nd place in Yeast Breads
Danielle Colorado - 2nd place in Cakes
Jr. Division - none of our entries placed.
Alex Fuller - Pie
Maya Lathan - Cake
Skylar Weatherford - Quick Breads
Dallie Jo Dillard - Cookies
Mrs. Nichols would like to thank all that participated and encourages everyone to think about participating next year.

Martinsville FFA Ag Mechanics Classes moved their projects in yesterday to the Piney Woods County Fair! Go out and see their projects at the fair grounds and wish them luck for their show tomorrow!

Both Varsity Boys and Girls teams have advanced to Regionals in Corpus Christi!
Varsity boys were District Runner Ups with Kuno Romero medaling with a 3rd place finish and JJ Mendez 5th place. Varsity Girls placed 3rd with Serena Ward placing 6th.
The Junior High Girls placed 2nd as a Team with Andraissah Bice medaling 3rd and Bella Miller medaling 5th.
The Junior High Boys had two runners in the top 10 with
Diego Gallegos medaling 4th and
Gian Carlos Padilla medaling 6th!

It is that time of year again to begin accepting nominations for Martinsville's
Gifted and Talented (GT) Program. Students in grades K-12 are eligible. Nominations will begin on October 10, 2022, and close on November 11, 2022. The state goal for services for gifted/talented students states, "Students who participate in services designated for GT students will demonstrate skills in self-directed learning, thinking, research, and communication as evidenced by the development of innovative products and performances that reflect individuality and creativity and are advanced in relation to students of similar age, experience, or environment."
For the full letter and nomination forms online, please see the links for both Spanish and English versions:
English GT Forms https://5il.co/1j3w2
Spanish GT Forms https://5il.co/1j3w4

UPDATE: Due to a preseason schedule change, we have updated the 2022-2023 Basketball Schedule.

The remaining yearbooks from 2021-2022 are now for sale! We have a limited number so, they will be sold on a first come, first serve basis.
Yearbooks are $30.00 and available for pick-up at the front office.
If you are interested in purchasing or have any questions, please email yearbook@martinsvilleisd

Mini Cheer Clinic Sign-ups for Grades PK-6!
If your child wants to participate and you have not filled out a form, please contact your child's homeroom teacher so they are able to send one home today!
Forms are due on Thursday, September 30th!

Reminder: Martinsville ISD will be having early release day tomorrow, Friday, September 23, 2022 at 11:30 AM. Buses will be running at 11:30 AM.

Reminder: There will only be one basketball game tonight with the Lady Pirates playing New Summerfield beginning at 5 PM.

Our Music Fundraiser is still happening! We have one week to go and we are doing great! Parents, don't forget to register your student online to enter them for additional prize drawings! Instructions are in their packets and it's SUPER EASY!

There will only be one basketball game this Thursday, September 22, 2022 with the Lady Pirates playing New Summerfield beginning at 5 PM.

It's FCCLA Membership Recruitment Week!
HS Students ONLY- Show your support for FCCLA by participating in high school dress-up days!
Details in the linked document and in the attached flyer!

Attention Pirates:

Martinsville FCCLA will be hosting its first blood drive of the year, tomorrow, August 31, 2022 from 8 AM-2 PM. Please come donate and receive a coupon for a free pint of Blue Bell Ice Cream!
Full details in the posted flyer here:

ATHLETICS: It's that time of year again! Below is the Junior High Basketball Schedule and Junior High and High School Cross Country Schedule for the 2022 Season. We will update you if any changes are made.

MISD Announces Additional Campus Safety and Security Improvements
(Letter can also be viewed in PDF form at the link below:
The safety of our students and staff remains our top priority in MISD. During the course of the 2022-2023 school year the following improvements are being planned to improve safety and security:
1. Installation of new security fencing starting at the end of the Administration Building on Hwy. 7 and extending around the entire campus including the softball field, Ag. Shop and back to the existing security gate on Hwy. 95. The fences will be screened in order to eliminate visibility into the campus.
2. Installation of ballistic window film and or ballistic glass to external windows facing Hwy. 7 and Hwy. 95.
3. Installation of new video surveillance cameras with enhanced tracking capability.
4. Improving the existing controlled access magnetic door locking system and installing steel solid-core doors as needed.
5. All employees will have a personal emergency notification device they will keep in their possession at all times. When activated the device will send a 911 call notifying MISD Police, MISD Administration, and all local law enforcement agencies.
6. Increase the number of emergency drills to respond to multiple types of emergencies that could occur on campus. This will include regular checks to ensure doors are being kept closed and locked at all times and functioning properly. Campus staff will also be trained in first aid techniques including CPR and Stop The Bleed procedures. All classrooms and locations throughout the campus will be equipped with first aid kits.
7. Consider the increase of law enforcement services on campus and explore programs that allow select employees to be trained and armed under the School Guardian Program.
8. Adding emergency backup generators that would allow continuous phone and internet service for communications in the event the campus electrical service is disrupted.
9. Consider changing the primary student entrance location and process of student drop off and pick up. (This will not take place until later in the school year and advanced notice will be provided in advance of changes.)
10. Limiting visitors on campus during the school day to only those required to attend meetings with teachers or administrators.
Thanks in advance for your support of these new safety measures. Let’s all work together to keep our campus safe.
David Simmons,