District of Innovation

At the February 20, 2020 Board Meeting, the Board of Trustees adopted a resolution to allow the district to seek the innovation district designation and appointed an innovation committee to create a plan.

The resolution can be found at the link below

Board Adopted Resolution for Seeking District of Innovation Status

The appointed innovation committee will meet for final adoption and recommendation for the board of trustees in a public meeting Thursday, March 26, 2020 in a teleconference. The notice and agenda for that meeting can be found at the link below.

Notice and Agenda

On March 26, 2020, the appointed innovation committee unanimously approved the proposed innovation plan.

At the March 26, 2020 Board Meeting, the Board of Trustees adopted the Proposed District of Innovation Plan in its entirety.

At the October 9, 2023 Board Meeting, the Board of Trustees adopted the Amended District of Innovation Plan, which can be found at the following link:

AMENDED Approved District of Innovation Plan

At the November 18, 2024 Board Meeting, the Board of Trustees adopted the District of Innovation Renewal Plan, which can be found at the following link:

District of Innovation Renewal Plan